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OMIKUJI in Japan

Examples of Casual Usage

upper row: Use as an addition to food products
lower row: (L)Example of use at a New Year's Sale (C)Example of use in Izakaya(R)Example of use in Gacha

What is written on OMIKUJI?

Types of Omikuji

Our omikuji has 6 types of luck: Truly Marvelous Luck, Excellent Luck, Very Good Luck, Moderately Good Luck, Slightly Good Luck, and Uncertain Luck.
At Japanese shrines and temples, sometimes Very Good Luck comes next to Excellent Luck, but other times it comes after Slightly Good Luck. In our omikuji, the order is "Truly Marvelous Luck > Excellent Luck > Very Good Luck > Moderately Good Luck > Slightly Good Luck > Uncertain Luck". However, what is important is the messages written on the slip. We hope you do not get too emotional about the type of luck but just enjoy what it says.

Japanses Reading English
大大吉 Dai-dai-kichi Truly Marvelous Luck
大吉 Dai-kichi Excellent Luck
Kichi Very Good Luck
中吉 Chu-kichi Moderately Good Luck
小吉 Sho-kichi Slightly Good Luck
末吉 Sue-kichi Uncertain Luck

OMIKUJI for various purposes

Background story

We fold and seal each slip of omikuji by hand. This is done by the people who have mental or physical disabilities. At their own pace, they carefully complete the procedure to make omikuji. Your purchase will bring them work and payment.

Folding omikuji slips is good training for them to maintain body functions and concentration. Also, it prevents social isolation by providing a suitable workplace where they can work with others. It might not be easy for the people with difficulties to work at general companies, but here they can work with their colleagues and get paid. We believe this fact has great significance, so we do not fold omikuji by machine but ask them to do it. We would be happy if you received our omikuji with this background story.

English Omikuji Map

In Japan, there are an increasing number of places where omikuji are available in English and other languages, mainly in tourist spots, but not all temples and shrines offer omikuji in foreign languages. This map shows the locations where omikuji are available in English and other languages. Please use it as a reference when you draw omikuji in Japan.